Spaying & Neutering

Spaying and neutering aids in population control, behaviour management, and lowering health risks.

Spaying or neutering your cat is a form of surgical reproductive sterilization. This is where the testicles (males) and ovaries and uterus (females) are removed surgically. Spaying and neutering helps to control overpopulation, eliminates the risk of unwanted litters, decreases the risk of disease and unwanted behaviour changes.

When should I neuter/spay my cat?

Ideally, spaying and neutering should be done at 5 and a half to 6 months of age and preferably before a female’s first heat.

What is the procedure to spay/neuter a cat?

For spaying or neutering, your cat will be admitted to hospital and a thorough physical exam will be performed. From here, an anesthetic protocol will be established for your cat. For females, their ovaries and uterus are surgically excised and for males, their testicles are surgically excised. They are given pain medication following the procedure. All of our surgery patients receive an exam 10-14 days post-surgery.

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