
Deworming cats regularly helps ensure their health and prevents the spread of parasites.

There are many parasites your cat can pick up whether they are a kitten or fully-grown. Indoor and outdoor cats are both at risk of contracting worms as it is very easy for contaminated material to be brought into our homes on our clothing and shoes. The easiest way to determine if your cat has a worm burden would be to collect a small sample of their stool and bring it in for a fecal test.

What are some internal cat parasites?

The more commonly contracted feline parasites are roundworms (Toxocara Cati), hookworms (Ancylostoma tubaeforme), and tapeworms (Taenia spp.). Roundworms and hookworms can be transmitted to kittens from their mother, or from ingestion of contaminated fecal matter. Tapeworms are commonly picked up by hunting cats through the ingestion of infected rodents, fleas, and birds.

What are worm infestation symptoms in cats?

Some cats may develop a distended abdomen, diarrhea, and a general poor condition but many other cats display no clinical signs. This is why fecal testing is so important. It is fairly common for cats infected with tapeworms to have small dried rice-like worm segments found on their hind end. These worm segments can make their hind ends quite itchy so scooting is a common sign of a tapeworm burden.

Do worms affect humans?

Roundworms and hookworms do have zoonotic potential meaning humans can contract them. The feline tapeworm species cannot be picked up by people.

What is the deworming schedule?

The deworming schedule is typically two doses of an oral broad-spectrum deworming medication along with one dose of a topical dewormer/flea prevention medication. Deworming schedules may vary depending on the individual patient, please contact us for more details.

Any deworming medication side effects?

The deworming medication is relatively safe to the patient so side effects are rare or very minor. Some cats may experience soft stools as they pass worms.

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