
Providing a peaceful and dignified farewell for your beloved pet.

Our pets are part of our family, and it is our responsibility to care for them. With this responsibility comes the difficult decision of our pet’s quality of life and when it’s time to say goodbye. The stress associated with the different emotions of guilt and grief, as well as the uncertainty of choosing to treat an illness is tough.

When should I consider euthanasia?

It is very hard to come to the decision of euthanizing your pet. If their quality of life is deteriorating, euthanasia should be considered. Remember that if you do feel your pet may be suffering, it is important to bring them to your veterinarian for evaluation. It is possible there may be treatment available. Your veterinarian will be able to discuss all options with you.

What happens during euthanasia?

For the euthanasia procedure, we will place an intravenous (IV) catheter in your cat’s arm. Once you are ready, we will give your cat sedation to keep them nice and calm and to reduce stress. This way they are calm and will not be anticipating anything. We will then administer the euthanasia medication which will allow your pet to pass away peacefully in their sleep.

Can I stay with my cat during euthanasia?

Yes, you and your family are welcome to stay with your cat during this difficult time. We will go through the whole process with you so that you are prepared for the procedure.

What is the cost of at home or clinic euthanasia?

The cost can vary based on choices of aftercare. Our staff would be happy to provide you with an estimate over the phone.

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