Dental Care

It is just as crucial to maintain your pet's dental health as it is your own.

Dental disease is the most common disease diagnosed at Coxwell Animal Clinic. Signs of dental disease could include bad breath, tartar, red and swollen gums, dropping food, drooling, and pain. If these clinical signs are seen, we recommend your dog come in for an examination. At Coxwell Animal Clinic, we provide a full range of dental care to help your dog!

What types of dental care do you offer for dogs at your clinic?

We provide complimentary dental exams all-year-round. These dental exams are performed by a technician to assess the level of periodontal disease present. Dental exams are also done by our veterinarians at an additional cost. If periodontal disease is present, we will recommend a dental plan for your dog. This may consist of a diet recommendation, chew suggestions, teeth brushing, and dental cleaning. We are happy to demonstrate how to brush your pet’s teeth.

How often should you brush your dog’s teeth?

It is recommended to brush your dog’s teeth daily. If this is not possible, you should aim to brush their teeth four times per week at a minimum.

Why is oral and dental health important?

Oral health is important to maintain overall health in your pet. Periodontal disease can be painful and risk infection from spreading throughout the body. It is important to maintain good oral health to prevent your dog from unnecessary suffering and to enable your dog to live a long and happy life!

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