X-ray and Ultrasound

Non-invasive diagnostic tools used to identify internal issues and provide targeted medical care.

At Coxwell Animal Clinic, radiographic imaging is a treasured diagnostic tool. The team continually strive to offer the highest quality of medicine and diagnostic testing, including ultrasonography and full mouth dental x-ray imaging. As our patients cannot directly tell us what is wrong, x-rays allow us to see many things we would not otherwise have known about your pet’s health.

How do you use x-ray and radiology services at your clinic?

Radiographic imaging for pets is painless, safe, and completely non-invasive and uses very low doses of radiation. This technology helps us to assess the heart, lungs, limbs and abdomen so that we can diagnose conditions such as heart failure, foreign body ingestion, bladder and kidney stones, limb fractures and so on.

Radiographic imaging can be used to diagnose health issues such as:

  • tumours
  • bladder stones
  • broken or fractured bones
  • chronic arthritis
  • certain spinal cord diseases

How do you prepare your dog for their x-ray appointment?

If your pet has a scheduled appointment and the veterinarian deems it necessary to perform x-rays during the visit, these will be conducted immediately and the results discussed within the same visit. However, individual requirements may be needed depending on the circumstance (i.e. fasting, sedation, etc.). During your pet’s examination, the veterinarian will provide and review a detailed estimate along with any preparation requirements.

How much do dog x-ray examinations cost?

The cost can vary based on how many x-rays are required. One of our veterinarians will formulate and discuss an individualized treatment plan for your pet dependent on their condition and needs.

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